Packing away the Transformation Tree
It was the last day of the Fury porjecy tree and before packing it down I had to hug it. It had been a taxing process but so invigorating and thought provoking, as so many people had left a imprint on the tree, sharing their stories, binding and then adding thier energy to the vines of the tree.
Cherrelle and I ate a slap up Thai meal to celebrate. We sent Katie pictures of our food, and cyber High Fived her by text, while she choreographed in sub zero conditions for the Russian Winter Games.
And so The Fury Project get taste of what it feel like to be a concrete piece of visual art with film and stroy telling at a button from The Fury Transformation Jukebox.However, this is not the end of the project, nor the the final exhibiting and performance of the Tree. There is more to come. Watch this space. Zena
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