It was during one of our numerous conversations that we found we hit a wall. We tried to figure out how raw anger could be transformed into something less 'manic, although we were well aware that the 'manic' is merely a perspective.  We realized that the name calling that a woman will often encounter when they lash out is a reaction to her rebounding negative or restrictive energy that is blatantly or inadvertently, directed at her. The general social acceptance to minimize a women's frustration to a 'mania', a 'hysteria' or some sort of temporary 'over emotional insanity' felt like another straw to the camels back. 
However, we each had to admit that because discussing our anger was not a conversation we regularly engaged with and that it didn't seem a subject we heard talked about in general, we didn't have a language of vocabulary to enter an in depth dialogue about it. We were not practiced in using a certain combination of words that would enable us to vent and be satisfied that whatever gripe or issue we felt enflamed about, was acknowledged, appreciated therefore validated. It left us at a disadvantage because maybe were adding to the misconception and mishandling of our anger as women. How do you turn your suppressed frustration into a constructive response as opposed to a unrestrained re-action? We needed a language to express that perceived 'insanity'.

This recorded impromptu Furies conversation became the crux of our discovery, of embracing our anger and transforming it into responsive proactive Fury: making fury beautiful. 

 When it came to how we would share this dilemma creatively, words did not seem to exist to explain how internal that process was. It was writing struggle. So we opted to explore movement and sound-scaping. Here is a short rehearsal film examining the treadmill women find themselves on and how they might continue through the fatigue of carrying a load of female 'stereo-hypes'. The transformation space is vital to let go of blocked energies of anger and frustration, to move to a state of fury which is constructive, protective as opposed to defensive and assertiveness as opposed to (perceived) aggressiveness.

Click to read extracts for Transformation poems


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